A to Z Guides Blog

Purchasing our Travel Guides


AtoZ Greece Travel Guides Logo 2025Please Read Full Details

Our 2025 revised and updated ‘A to Z Guides’ will be available from most major international book retailers by mid-January (for details see ‘Buy Guides’ page above)

Welcome to the unique ‘A to Z Travel Guides’, the only travel guides to link the printed book with the full potential of the Internet. Our printed travel guides, each at around 200 pages, have more up-to-date information than any published guide dedicated to the particular island in question.

Unlike the majority of printed travel guides on offer, which can be years old and totally out of date, the ‘A to Z’ guides are revised for each new season with all the latest information for your holiday destination.

This website is designed as an extension to the printed books, containing all the information that you don’t need to carry around with you when ‘out and about’ on holiday. It is also the medium through which we can bring you all the very latest tourist news, events, attractions, money-saving offers and over 60 high-quality photos, videos and panoramas for each island.

Purchasing our travel guides entitles you to FREE automatic membership of the ‘A to Z Travel Club’, which includes the following range of unique benefits * :-

  • Free access to a wealth of travel-related information and help regarding your particular island destination.
  • The latest tourist news from the island, updated each day during the summer season.
  • Free e-mail notification of any critical breaking news (to receive the e-mails you are required to register your e-mail address **).
  • More quality photos than any other travel guide, hosted on our website and including 2D, 3D, panoramas and videos  (the 3D Galleries for Rhodes and Thassos are already available, Santorini and Kos will follow).
  • Member’s discounts from a range of tourist-related businesses on the islands, are aimed at saving you much more than the cost of the book. (only available with the latest edition *)
  • A wide range of ‘Holiday Advice’ to help you have a wonderful and safe holiday.
  • Our ‘Travel Links’ section makes it easy to compare offers from the major holiday companies.
  • Information on the latest ‘Travel Tech’ that could add to your holiday experience.
  • The latest ‘Greek History News’ for those who love stories from the past.
  • …and there are more unique concepts in the pipeline!

Within each book (on the acknowledgements page at the back of the book), you will find your password, this will only gain access to the member’s only pages and news blogs for the island covered by your particular ‘A to Z’ guidebook. If using the same computer (and you don’t clear the cache), you should only need to enter your password once. Please note that passwords are ‘case sensitive’, so please enter yours as it appears in the book.

We strongly recommend that you log in regularly during your holiday and check the news page, as organisations and businesses on the islands are habitually late in advertising local entertainment events and festivals.

The great benefit of purchasing our travel guides

If you have already purchased one of our guides and would like to be informed by e-mail of critical news reports as they happen, then you need to register your email address (your password is required) by clicking one of the ‘Register Now’ buttons (there is also a link to registration below).

Please note: e-mails will usually only be sent for critical, or time-sensitive information. All other news will be posted on the relevant island’s ‘News’ webpage.

** Your email address will not be shared with any other company or organisation and will only be used for the purpose of sending important news mailings. You can cancel your registration at any time. Please note, that we do not confirm each registration.

If you need to contact us, please include your password for confirmation of membership as this service is only available to ‘Travel Club’ members.

Please note: Passwords are valid for a two-year period from the date of publication of the specific island’s travel guide purchased (that is for 2025, guides published in 2024 and 2025). However, member discounts and special offers are only obtainable with the edition for the relevant summer season, i.e. the 2025 edition.

How to navigate the website

To navigate to all the pages available to a member, place your cursor over the ‘Travel Club’ wording at the top of all pages (do not click) and a menu appears below for the four island destinations. Move your cursor down to the relevant island of your book and a further menu will appear to the right with the main information categories for the island. Move your cursor across and down to the desired category and click once.

The example below is for navigating to the Santorini weather page.

When requested, enter your password in the box provided to access member-only sections and blogs. With Google Chrome and some other browsers, the password will be automatically inserted after the first use if you click the “Save Password” option when presented.

A quick link on mobile devices

For a quick link to this website when using a phone or tablet, you can add an icon to your device’s Home Page. For full information please click the link below:-

How to add an ‘A to Z’ icon to your mobile device

Please note: On mobile devices, if you hold it horizontally, you will see the ‘home page’ as on a computer (see above), if you hold it vertically, you will see a small blue box at the top right corner, touch that and the full content list of the website will open below. As mobile devices do not have a cursor, just lightly touch the required section and it will open.

Please note: We pride ourselves on the accuracy of the information contained within our blogs. We are careful to only rely on our island representatives and reputable sources for news and events on the islands we cover. However, the contents of these posts should not be relied on for the purpose of deciding to do, or omitting to do anything, we therefore advise that you seek confirmation in relation to any particular information we post.


If you have already purchased a travel guide you can register by clicking here

Further information or to purchase our travel guides direct from the publisher, look here.